The Real Discipleship Survey is a FREE assessment tool designed to support the development of maturing disciples at both the personal and congregational levels. It measures the level of maturity in each of six dimensions of discipleship:

A Life of Worship

A Life of Hospitality

A Life Open to Jesus

A Life Obeying Jesus

A Life of Service

A Life of Generosity

Each person taking the survey receives an immediate feedback report indicating where you see your growth in each dimension, possible next steps for continued growth and suggested resources for personal development.

This is an outstanding opportunity for you to praise God for the ways his grace has been at work in your life to bring you to where you are and for you to realize how much more Jesus has to offer you in the abundant new life he has given.

Additionally, the church receives a summary of anonymous participant results so that leadership can identify ways to better support the congregation’s intentional discipleship process.

The Indiana UM Conference has purchased a license which makes the survey free for all INUMC churches and congregants! 

Use the Church Access Code: INDIANAJOY (all uppercase, no spaces)