Thank you for your support!

God is always at work caring for people who are seeking, forgotten, and suffering.  God allows us to join his work of bringing love, hope and peace to our world through our financial gifts, tithes and offerings.  Everything belongs to God and as disciples, we develop patterns of regular giving to God’s ministry through this church.  We are thankful for each gift and honor them with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices and transparent accountability.

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”  Proverbs 11:25

Other ways to give

1.    Bring your gifts of offering to church on Sunday.


2.    Mail a check into the Church office  (434 S. 2nd Street, Chesterton, IN  46304)


3.    Set-up an automatic payment through your bank account


4.    Make an online donation using your PayPal account or Credit Card.  This can be a one-time gift or recurring gift.


United Methodist Committee on Relief

On UMCOR Sunday, we join our United Methodist connection in a special offering to support the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), the humanitarian relief and development arm of the church.  UMCOR comes alongside individuals, families and communities affected by natural or human-caused disasters - famine, hurricane, war, flood, firre or other events - to alleviate suffering and serve as a sournce of help and hope.


Your donations equip UMCOR to respond quickly when disaster strikes and to stay for the long term.  From training volunteers to keeping the office lights on, the UMCOR Sunday special offering helps cover the costs of this non-profit UMC organization and allows for 100% of gifts given in response to disasters to assist with the disaster.


This offerng celebrates vibrant ministries while investing in servant leadership, community building and ministries of peace with justice.  Concentrating our resources to support these important ministries equips us to work together, empowered by God's love.

Please enter UMCOR on the designated location

When you give generously to support UMCOR Sunday,
you embody God's love in action.