Thank you for your support!

God is always at work caring for people who are seeking, forgotten, and suffering.  God allows us to join his work of bringing love, hope and peace to our world through our financial gifts, tithes and offerings.  Everything belongs to God and as disciples, we develop patterns of regular giving to God’s ministry through this church.  We are thankful for each gift and honor them with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices and transparent accountability.

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”  Proverbs 11:25

Other ways to give

1.    Bring your gifts of offering to church on Sunday.


2.    Mail a check into the Church office  (434 S. 2nd Street, Chesterton, IN  46304)


3.    Set-up an automatic payment through your bank account


4.    Make an online donation using your PayPal account or Credit Card.  This can be a one-time gift or recurring gift.

Pray for California

As countless families and communities face the overwhelming aftermath of these wildfires, UMCOR is supporting the efforts of conference disaster response ministries across the region. Evacuees are receiving food and other essential supplies.  Trained volunteers are preparing to assist where it is safe to do so.


Pray for all those impacted by this disaster, as well as first responders and volunteers. The road to recovery will be long, but together, we can bring hope
and healing.


Please indicate Advance #901670-Calfires in the
Designated Funds Location on the second screen.